Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows

Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows

Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows what is more Christmas than that? These marshmallows are super easy, tasty and of course gluten free. For the most part regular white marshmallows are fairly easy to find gluten free in grocery stores. However, like many other treats, the fun variations are not easy to find gluten free. Which is why we are created this recipe for gluten free homemade peppermint marshmallows.

Now I feel like making marshmallows sounds a little daunting, but I promise you its actually super easy. All you will need equipment wise is a pot, a stand mixer and a candy thermometer. Most people already have stand mixers but if you don’t I’m sure a hand mixer will work, you just may get tired holding it. If you need a candy thermometer they are super cheap off amazon or you can usually find them at your local grocery store.

Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows in Hot Cocoa

These marshmallows are light and fluffy. The peppermint is just a hint and not over powering. In fact, without the peppermint candies it is hard to taste the peppermint. So if you’re planning on skipping the candies you can increase the peppermint oil to 2 teaspoons. This recipe also works well without the peppermint oil completely and replaced with some pure vanilla extract.

What to Use Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows In?

Our favourite option is to put these on top of homemade hot cocoa (we may have a recipe coming soon ;)). But you can use them in so many different ways. Peppermint S’mores, Rice Krispie Treats, Peppermint Bark. Or even dip them in some dark chocolate and package them up as gifts for friends and family. The possibilities are truly endless. You also could just eat them plain if you’re having a craving for something peppermint and sweet.

Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows

Disclaimer: Caution – Hot Sugar

I want to put a big disclaimer here. Making homemade peppermint marshmallows or any homemade marshmallows you will be dealing with hot sugar. I know from personal experience how painful a sugar burn is. I once burnt my hand while making caramel and I still have a scar to this day, years later. Please be super careful when boiling the sugar in the pot and pouring it into your stand mixer.

Gluten Free Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows

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Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows
Homemade Peppermint Marshmallows that are light and fluffy. Gluten free marshmallows with a hint of peppermint and topped with candies.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Passive Time 6 hours
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Passive Time 6 hours
  1. Start with wrapping and placing your gluten free peppermint candies in a ziplock freezer bag and crushing them with a meat tenderizer or rolling pin. Set aside. Buttered a glass baking dish, we used a 9x9 but you can use a 13x9 or other variation for shorter marshmallows. Sprinkle the bottom with a good layer of powdered sugar as well as a spatula. Set aside.
  2. In a stand mixer add in 1/2 cup of cold water. Run the mixer on low and sprinkle in the gelatin overtop of the water until combined and has thickened. Set aside.
  3. In a medium heavy bottomed pot stir together 1/2 cup of water, granulated sugar, corn syrup and salt. Bring to a boil, constantly stirring until everything has dissolved and come together. Stop stirring and allow mixture to boil until it reads between 238°F and 240°F.
  4. Turn on stand mixer to low, slowly and very carefully pour the boiled sugar mixture down the side of the mixing bowl to combine with the softened gelatin. Once all is in the bowl slowly increase the speed, beating for 8-10 minutes. You will want to take a step back as you do this in case there is any splatter.
  5. Once the mixture has tripled in size and is white and fluffy add in the peppermint oil with a couple minutes left. With a few seconds left add in the red food dye (Check notes for Variation 1). If using liquid add in 6-8 drops. If using food gel, using a toothpick stick the toothpick in the gel container and then run it along the side of the mixer while on.
  6. Shut off mixer. Quickly transfer mixture to prepared baking sheet using your powdered spatula to get all of the mixture from the bowl into the baking dish. If you're struggling with the sticky mixture, wet your fingers to gently pat down the mixture in the bowl. Set aside for 6 hours or overnight.
  7. Once set, sift powdered sugar overtop of the marshmallow slab. Take a cutting board and flip the baking dish so that the marshmallow slab is now upside down on the cutting board. If the slab is stuck in the baking dish, take a butter knife and grease it with butter or cover in powdered sugar, run along the perimeter of the baking dish.
  8. Once on the cutting board take a greased or powdered knife and cut into desired size. Sometimes we like making 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch squares so we only put one into out hot chocolate, or making into 1 inch squares. If you have used a smaller baking dish you may also wish to cut the squares in half horizontally for shorted marshmallows.
  9. Take your crush peppermint candies and dip one of the sticky sides of the marshmallow into the peppermint candies (Check notes for Variation 2). Then dust the rest of the marshmallows with powdered sugar.
  10. Store in an airtight container or ziplock freezer bag for up to 2 weeks. ENJOY!
Recipe Notes

Variation 1: Instead of adding your food dye directly into the stand mixer, transfer mixture to baking dish and then add in the food dye and swirl through the fluffy marshmallow mixture with a greased knife.

Variation 2: Instead of dipping each cut marshmallow into the crushed peppermint candy. In step 1 after greasing and powdering, sprinkle the crushed candies on the bottom of the baking dish before you add in the fluffy marshmallow mixture.

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