High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes

Pancakes and Maple Syrup

These super simple, 5 ingredient High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes will be a hit at your breakfast table for the whole family!

Eating a high protein diet has become increasingly more important to me. I have found when I eat 100g or more of protein on a daily basis, I feel significantly better. I work out a lot and getting enough protein in all my meals and snacks is incredibly important. So I am always looking at ways to make each meal as protein rich as possible. These high protein gluten free pancakes are so incredibly easy to make that I’m upset we haven’t been making them for years.

If you’re on social media or actively search for high protein recipes, you may have come across similar high protein pancakes to these ones. The original recipe is great but we have added a couple more ingredients to make them just that much better. I’ve found that high protein recipes are getting a lot of attention right now and I’m totally here for it.

High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes

Less Equipment and Less Dishes

These high protein gluten free pancakes have 5 ingredients and are made in a blender. There’s nothing I hate more than dishes (and laundry lol). So this recipe is great since you can put all the ingredients directly in the blender and then pour from the blender right into the pan. Creating only a couple dishes and skipping a lot of the mess that is usually associated with making pancakes.

I also love that this recipe can be very easily cut in half if you’re only cooking for 1 or 2 people. But it can also be easily doubled or tripled (depending on how large your blender is). We usually make the full recipe and only eat half of it. The other half we freeze for later use.

How to Freeze High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes

If you’ve never frozen leftover pancakes you definitely will want to for this recipe. All you have to do is put a square or rectangle piece of parchment paper between each pancake and place them in a large ziploc freezer bag and put them in the freezer.

Whenever you want a pancake take out your desired amount and pop them in the toaster. I usually do two cycles in the toaster, flipping the pancakes around on the second toasting. That way if I’m in a rush but still want a high protein breakfast, I can heat these up in a few minutes before I run out the door.

Gluten Free Pancakes and Strawberries

Just 5 Simple Ingredients

You’re probably wondering what are the ingredients in these pancakes and how are they so high in protein? This recipe is comprised of egg whites, gluten free oats (we use this brand), cottage cheese (you can’t taste it, I swear!), pure vanilla extract and baking soda. The baking soda allows these pancakes to fluff up a bit. They don’t fluff up a ton but without it, they are very flat. You can also add in some cinnamon to the recipe before blending if you like. As well as some fresh fruit or chocolate chips on top of the pancakes once in the pan.

How Much Protein Is There Really?

The entire pancake recipe is packed with 72g of protein and feeds 2-4 people. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had other pancakes with that much protein. When we make these usually I will eat half the recipe and freeze the other half, or we will split the recipe between the two of us. If you aren’t a big eater or are feeding young kids, this recipe should be able to feed 4 people.

Let us know if you try out these High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes, we love to hear from you! If you’re looking for more breakfast ideas, check out our Banana Bread French Toast and Chocolate Coconut Granola.

High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes
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High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes
High Protein Gluten Free Pancakes made with only 5 simple ingredients that everyone in the family will love.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
  1. In a blender place egg whites, cottage cheese, gluten free oats, baking soda and pure vanilla extract. Blend until combined into a consistent smooth mixture.
  2. Put a large pan on the stove over medium heat. Spray the pan with cooking spray or add a tablespoon of butter to the pan and let is melt, coating the pan. Once the pan is heated up, pour the pancake mix into the pan creating your desired size of pancakes. We cook 3 at a time.
  3. Flip pancakes once bubbles start to form and bottom of pancake stays together. Once both sides are golden, remove from pan and set aside.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have used all of the pancake mix.
  5. Serve immediately with maple syrup, fresh fruit and whip cream. Or prepare them for freezing (instructions in the recipe notes). Enjoy!
Recipe Notes

*To freeze the cooked pancakes, allow the pancakes to cool, then put a square or rectangle piece of parchment paper between each pancake and place them in a large ziploc freezer bag and put them in the freezer.

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