Wash and dry potatoes. With a sharp knife cut the potatoes into small 1/4 inch slices. Then put all the sliced potatoes into a large pot with water and let sit for at least an hour to soak.
Preheat the oven to 425°F. Line two medium to large baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside. Replace the water in the pot with fresh water. Then bring the pot to a boil over medium high heat, and let the potatoes boil for 3-5 minutes. They should be partially cooked but not soft and mushy.
Take the pot off the heat and drain the water. Spread out paper towel or dish towels on a flat surface and put potatoes on top. Using another paper towel or dish towel, pat dry the potato, trying to remove as much water as possible.
Transfer the sliced potato between the two prepared baking sheets. Divide the vegetable oil between the two baking sheets, drizzling it on top of the potatoes. Using tongs coat the potatoes. Pop the baking sheets into the oven for 40 minutes. Tossing the fries halfway through cooking.
Remove the baking sheets from the oven once fries have finished cooking. And sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately along with ketchup, mayo or desired dipping sauce.